Thursday, May 27, 2010

A Rose by Any Other Name

It seems that one of the most important parts to new recruits is finding the perfect derby name. It can also be one of the hardest things to come up with. There's a whole page dedicated to derby names. You can then try out a name to see if it's taken and what the odds are of your name being accepted. For many it's hard because all of the "good" names are taken. Derby has been around for a while and most of the clever things have been thought of and been taken by another girl. This doesn't mean that there aren't other possibilities. It just means you have to think harder about it.

What's the deal with the names anyways? For a lot of people, it helps them create a personality to go with them on the track and in their skates. For me, I like the idea of being a little more anonymous. Not everyone in the world needs to know my name. Besides, due to the popularity of my first name with when I was born, I have a hard time responding to my name. Not that I dislike my name! I love my name. It's just not that exciting to have a crowd chant. It also helps give a barrier between the public and me. It's a stage name, a character and a separation in my personal life as well. My derby self can be as naughty or as nice as I want her to be and it isn't me. I'm an actual person while my derby self and image is more of a two dimensional caricature of an idea than an actual person.

Do I have my perfect name yet? I do actually. Managed to think it up (or rather, finish it up) this afternoon. I'm not ready to share the whole thing with the internet yet but it will involve the name Ferret (a name I use out at the Renaissance festival and seem to respond to better than my given name). I've managed to not only find a name that has a good chance of being accepted, it's also a play on who I am in real life as well.

It makes you wonder about the story behind the names of the other girls.

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